According to Fazlur Rahman ” I am a regular singer for TV natoks and also Stage plays. I also worked on two other mixed albums after Monpura. My songs in this album are mostly compiled from my old songs and I have high hoped for this album. Specially for the songs like “Chorer eman bondhu haray” and “Barir pashe modhumoti”.
Chanchal Chowdhury also sang in theaters. “One of his song in the album is also from there. Popular TV Ad “Pother Klanti Bhule” by Chanchal is also included in this album. The other song is “Okul ful Bokul Ful”, is from my own collection.”
It is scheduled to be realeased on or before Bangla New year. All three including TW Shoinik sang at least three songs each in this album. Music composer for this album is Emon Shaha.