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April 2, 2009

Eight Oclock Album by Pentagon

Band group Pentagon has released its second album ‘Eight O’clock’ under the banner of Agniveena.

The album launching ceremony was held at a city café on last Saturday, March 21st, 2009. Besides, eight members of the band group, one of the members of band group Miles and President of BAMBA Hamin Ahmed, band singer Maksudul Haque, Partha Barua of band group Souls, Sumon of band group Aurthohin, singer Shahed, proprietor of Agniveena Nazmul Haque Bhuiyan, among others, were present on the occasion.

The album consist of the following tracks.
01. Ghash Foring, 02. She Bose Baluchore, 03. Kono Kono Din, 04. Ekta Sopno, 05. Rater Pore, 06. Poth Cholte, 07. Sopno Bone, 08. Meghbalok, 09. Aro Akta Gaan, 10. Koto