This Sunday, Bollywood film industry faced a grave loss with the death of the veteran actor Firoz Khan who died after fighting a prolonged battle with cancer. He had been undergoing treatment for cancer at Mumbai.
Firoz Khan was known for his love for fashion, style and love for animals. While at the hospital a few days back, Feroz expressed his wish to visit his farmhouse in Bangalore to be with his pet animals, mainly horses and dogs.
Owing to his poor health condition, the doctors were reluctant to give him the permission for a long journey. However, son Fardeen understood his father’s desire and as he waited for his dad’s condition to improve, he made arrangements for a special chartered flight to Bangalore. Finally, last week, when the doctors gave Feroz the go-ahead for a short trip, Fardeen, accompanied by nurses, flew his father to the farmhouse.
Feroz Khan got to spend nearly three days at his farm with his beloved animals before he breathed his last after midnight on Sunday.