Chanchal Chowdhury, the protagonist of Monpura has said that he wants to perform in one movie every year. The busy actor is having the busiest time due to the eve of coming Eid-ul-azha. A number of TV plays of this popular actor are going on air. In a recent interview he talked about his Upcoming TV plays,Movie and future plan.
'Now there are some 6 TV plays going on air'-said Chanchal Chowdhury. who is also working on TV plays directed by popular director Salah uddin lavlu(Vober haat). but Chanchal is more busy due to the upcoming eid. 'There are some 12 TV plays I’m working on for the Eid-ul-Azha'- Chanchal said. He often found in charecters of simple village people. He believes that the life of village is simple and it expresses what life actually is. And that’s why he is more comfortable in such charecters.
He is also getting a number of proposal of TV commercial. 'But the products, banner and scripts are not up to the mark'-Chanchal said. so you may not find Chanchal shortly in TV commercial. But he really wants to perform in Movies in regular interval. After debut film 'Rup-kathar Galpo', he has acted in Gias Uddin Selim's 'Monpura'. 'Monpura is going to be released very soon. And I want to perform in one movie every year'-The protagonist of 'Monpura' said.
The songs of the movie 'Monpura' have already released and made a revolution in Bangla movie songs. After a long time people of all classes and ages are humming the songs of a Bangla movie. This huge success of Monpura audio album has inspired Chanchal Chowdhury and Fazlur Rahman Babu( Nithua Pathare) to go for their first duet audio album. The album will be released after Eid-ul-azha in the banner of 'Laser Vision'.