Deepika Padukone, along with Neil Nitin Mukesh, was spotted at the success brunch of her mentor Pooja Makhija's book on nutrition and diet, "Eat.Delete". Deepika looked radiant as ever in a Celine jumpsuit and was beaming with the fresh success of her recent release 'Cocktail'.
Speaking about the success of her film Cocktail, Deepika Padukone said: "Touch wood, today is Sunday and the collections for Friday and Saturday have been outstanding."
She added: "It's really overwhelming to see the kind of response the film is getting and that I've been getting for my performance, so it's a good feeling!"
Speaking about the success of her film Cocktail, Deepika Padukone said: "Touch wood, today is Sunday and the collections for Friday and Saturday have been outstanding."
She added: "It's really overwhelming to see the kind of response the film is getting and that I've been getting for my performance, so it's a good feeling!"
Posted By Blogger to All in one at 7/18/2012 11:13:00 PM