The spoof played on 'Devdas' in Ekta Kapoor's 'Kya Super Kool Hain Hum' has not gone down well with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, or so the reports say. The movie has played quite a few spoofs on several films and this particular one is the one based on SLB's 'Devdas' with Tusshar Kapoor, Neha Sharma and Sarah Jane enacting with the song Dil dola re dola playing in the background. Moreover, the sequence is being used in the pormos of the film.
Bhansali is known to be quite touchy about his films and does not like jokes based on them. Before this, he had a spat with Rohit Shetty for making fun of him and his films in the Golmaal series."
However, Ekta Kapoor denies any such controversy and says, "A spoof is the best form of flattery. We've spoofed as many as five films including The Dirty Picture; so Devdas is no exception. And everyone knows that it's all in light jest. I don't think Sanjay will be upset."
Bhansali is known to be quite touchy about his films and does not like jokes based on them. Before this, he had a spat with Rohit Shetty for making fun of him and his films in the Golmaal series."
However, Ekta Kapoor denies any such controversy and says, "A spoof is the best form of flattery. We've spoofed as many as five films including The Dirty Picture; so Devdas is no exception. And everyone knows that it's all in light jest. I don't think Sanjay will be upset."
Posted By Blogger to All in one at 7/25/2012 11:10:00 PM