Work has been keeping Priyanka Chopra on her toes for quite sometime now. The actress had been slogging hard for not one or two, but five movies at one go. She has her schedules packed with her forthcoming Don 2, Agneepath, Teri Meri Kahani, Barfi! and Krrish 3. Besides, she is also working on her music album.
Recently, the actress was in Spain to work on her music album. The actress was so smitten by the city that she decided to take her much needed break and extended her stay at Ibiza for a week in order to relax.
After her week long break in Ibiza gets over, Piggies Chops will start working on a two-month schedule with Hrithik Roshan for their superhero film.
Recently, the actress was in Spain to work on her music album. The actress was so smitten by the city that she decided to take her much needed break and extended her stay at Ibiza for a week in order to relax.
After her week long break in Ibiza gets over, Piggies Chops will start working on a two-month schedule with Hrithik Roshan for their superhero film.
Posted By Blogger to All in one at 7/17/2012 11:36:00 PM