Made under the direction of Rakesh Ranjan Kumar and with Imran Zahid in the lead role, forthcoming 'Marksheet' will see the launch of yet another foreign hottie in the tinsel town. Talking about Jeddah born and London bred Wardah Khan, the well-known model has bagged in a pivotal role in this flick which is based on the drawbacks on our current education system.
Wardah plays a girl who comes to India from New York and her role has a lot of sensuous appeal in it. Talking about her role in the project, Wardah says, "I play a girl who has come to India from New York. It's a role I can relate to. My character is a very sensual woman."
Wardah has her eyes set on playing longer innings in Bollywood for which she plans to improve her Hindi and shift base to Mumbai. "I always wanted to be an actress and be a part of Bollywood. Modelling was just the beginning of it. It is very tough to get into the film industry. I am glad I have made it finally," she says.
Wardah plays a girl who comes to India from New York and her role has a lot of sensuous appeal in it. Talking about her role in the project, Wardah says, "I play a girl who has come to India from New York. It's a role I can relate to. My character is a very sensual woman."
Wardah has her eyes set on playing longer innings in Bollywood for which she plans to improve her Hindi and shift base to Mumbai. "I always wanted to be an actress and be a part of Bollywood. Modelling was just the beginning of it. It is very tough to get into the film industry. I am glad I have made it finally," she says.
Posted By Blogger to All in one at 7/18/2012 10:55:00 PM