Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, the co-owner of Kolkata Knight Riders, will reportedly add glamour and extravaganza to the opening ceremony of the sixth edition of Indian Premier League (IPL) with his performance. SRK's 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan' co-star' Katrina Kaif is set to join the actor for her maiden performance in Kolkata and the organisers, Red Chillies Entertainments Pvt Ltd, have also roped in international rapper, Pitbull. The ceremony will take place at Salt Lake Stadium in Kolkata on April 2. "SRK loves the city of joy and he is already very excited to perform there. Katrina will be performing there for the first time. When Pitbull was told that he is being invited to perform at the opening ceremony of IPL and SRK would also be performing, he agreed to come immediately," a source said. The organisers are also planning to include flying drummers, Chinese percussionist and fireworks to make the ceremony a lavish affair.
Posted By Blogger to All in one at 3/25/2013 12:22:00 AM